w make109 - HDRI Photography - An Essential Skills and Workflow Primer, Książki IT
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->By James Sherarhttp://arcade.jamessherar.cashare:This manual is the intellectual property of MakeUseOf. It must only be published in its original form. Usingparts or republishing altered parts of this guide is prohibited without permission from MakeUseOf.comThink you’ve got what it takes to write a manual for MakeUseOf.com? We’re always willing to hear a pitch!Send your ideas to justinpot@makeuseof.com.HDRI PHOTOGRAPHY: WORKFLOW PRIMERTable Of Contents1. Introduction0.1 What the heck is HDRI photography?0.2 Why HDR?0.3 Sounds good, but is this for me?0.4 A quick history1. HDRI concepts1.1 Dynamic range1.2 HDR, high dynamic range1.3 OpenEXR1.4 LDR, low dynamic range1.5 Exposure1.6 Exposure value (EV)1.7 Exposure-bracketing1.8 Auto-bracketing2. Equipment - What will I need?2.1 – Camera2.2 – Computer systemMemory:GPU:OS:2.3 – HDR Software2.3.1 – Luminance HDR:2.4 – Post-processing Software2.4.1 – Photoshop type software:3. So how do I do it?3.1 – Order of operations – The workflow3.2 – Acquiring photos3.2.1 – Auto-bracketing3.2.2 – Bracketing your exposures manually3.3 – HDR creation3.4 – Tone-mappingHTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COMJAMES SHERAR, HTTP://ARCADE.JAMESSHERAR.CA5557799999910111113131313131313141414161616161718203share:HDRI PHOTOGRAPHY: WORKFLOW PRIMER3.5 – Post-processing/retouching4. Conclusion5. Further reading1.2.3.4.HDRI related:General digital photography:Photo editing:Photo blogging:21242525252525HTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COMJAMES SHERAR, HTTP://ARCADE.JAMESSHERAR.CA4share:HDRI PHOTOGRAPHY: WORKFLOW PRIMER1. IntroductionThis guide outlines concepts involved in HDR photography followed by a logical progression of steps in the produc-tion of high dynamic range images. It is directed toward anyone that has any interest in creative photography frombeginner to professional. While some concepts will be more familiar to more experienced photographers, this guidepresumes that you have a pre-existing understanding of mere fundamental photographic concepts. Some of the moreadvanced concepts will be explained in context as they are met. For some of the more advanced topics that resideoutside the scope of this guide and warrant a more in-depth discussion, readers will be directed to some helpful docu-mentation for additional information. Those, along with other useful resources can be found at the end of the guideunder “Further reading”.0.1 What the heck is HDRI photography?A question frequently asked by many amateur and novice photographers is, “What is HDRI?”. HDRI stands for HighDynamic Range Imaging, or sometimes simply referred to as HDR photography. Without getting overly technical,HDRI is a photographic process used to more faithfully reproduce tonal light qualities in photographic images. It iscurrently a rapidly growing trend in digital photography and many photographic sites now feature a section exclusivelydedicated to HDRI.0.2 Why HDR?HDR arises from the fact that the range of contrast that can be captured by an image sensor in a single shot isdwarfed by the range of contrast values that can be detected by the human eye. The result of which is images thatappear tonally curtailed, or otherwise heavily biased in exposure. This is why you’ll invariably come across picturesthat, at the same time, contain regions of overexposure, underexposure, and only a portion, if at all, that is properlyexposed.5share:HTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COMJAMES SHERAR, HTTP://ARCADE.JAMESSHERAR.CA
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